5 Tips For Managing Springtime Allergies

The springtime might bring nice weather, but it also can cause your allergies to act up. All of the pollen in the air can lead to a runny nose, watery eyes and an itchy throat. Although springtime allergies are not always easy to deal with, they can be managed. Here are five tips for managing springtime allergies. 

Keep Your Windows Closed

One of the easiest ways you can manage your springtime allergies is to keep the windows closed during the day.The outdoor breeze might feel nice, but it can bring the pollen in your house, worsening your allergy symptoms. If you just keep your windows closed, you will be less likely to experience itchy eyes, a runny nose and other unpleasant symptoms.

Start Taking Your Medication Early

If you want to manage your springtime allergies, it is very important to start taking your medication. If you wait until it is very warm out, your allergy symptoms will probably act up. You should start taking your allergy medication in the beginning of March.

Take a Shower Before Bedtime

Another thing you can do to manage your springtime allergies is to take a shower before bedtime. When you are out during the day, pollen can stick to your clothes, skin and hair. If you do not wash yourself before bedtime, the pollen can transfer to your bedding.

Pay Attention to Pollen Count

During the springtime, you should pay attention to the daily pollen count. This will usually be announced on the news or on allergy websites. If they predict a lot of pollen in the air, you should limit your time outside as much as possible.

Clean Your House More Often

It is very important to clean your house more often during the springtime. Pollen can easily build up on your bedding, furniture, carpeting and other items. You should change your bedding at least once a week and dust around your home two to three times a week.

Springtime allergies can be downright awful at times, but it is possible to manage them. If you follow these helpful tips, you can improve your allergy symptoms and feel a lot better. However, if your springtime allergies still do not improve, you should make an appointment to see an allergy doctor soon. An allergy or immunology doctor will give you a complete examination and determine the best way to treat your springtime allergies and hayfever.
