Three Gifts People In Wheelchairs Can Appreciate

If you're like a lot of people, you're probably starting to make your holiday gift list (and maybe even doing a little shopping already on the sly). If you know and love someone in a wheelchair, here are three ideas for gifts that are likely to be particularly appreciated:

1.) A Lap Tray

Lap trays come in a variety of sizes and shapes, and they aren't that hard to find. Many of the best ones have a cushioned bottom that's filled with tiny beads that will help the tray conform to the user's lap. There are also those specifically designed for wheelchair use that can be clipped to the chair. This can be a particularly important feature for someone in a wheelchair because it keeps the tray from jostling around when he or she traverses a room.

Lap trays make especially awesome gifts if the person in the wheelchair has lost feeling in his or her legs. It's easy to get a burn from a hot cup of coffee or a bowl of soup that's resting in your lap when you aren't able to feel the heat. Lap trays prevent that.

2.) Fingerless Gloves

Working a wheelchair can be rough on the hands. When it's winter and your wheelchair-bound friend is outside, warm winter gloves can be used to protect his or her hands. However, in warmer weather and while inside, fingerless gloves are a real necessity!

Soft leather provides protection for the palms of your friend's hands while he or she is in motion. The fingerless aspect of the gloves makes it possible for him or her to wear the gloves all the time -- without having to take them off every time he or she wants to read a book, tap a phone, or work the TV remote.

3.) Adaptive Clothing

When you have limited mobility, it can be extremely difficult to do simple things like put on a winter coat or wrap yourself in a towel after your transfer from the shower seat back to the wheelchair. If you want to make things easier for your friend, adaptive clothing that works around those limitations can be a wonderful gift idea.

Adaptive clothing like bath capes, fleece ponchos, and clothing protectors are designed to be simply pulled over the head or draped over the shoulders. You can purchase products that are specifically designed for wheelchair users or just look for items that are easy to manipulate with simple closures. 

Finding the perfect gift for someone in a wheelchair doesn't have to be hard -- and the practical nature of these types of gifts helps ensure that they'll be used and appreciated by your friend all year long. Contact a wheelchair provider, like Neergaard Pharmacies, for more help.
