What Should You Do If You Believe You’re Allergic To Your Pet?

Many pet owners discover--after they've brought home their new pet--that they are allergic to the type of animal that they've just acquired. This type of discovery can be devastating to pet owners who simply want to enjoy their time with their pet. Fortunately, many pet owners can control and manage their pet allergies even if their pet lives at home with them. These tips will help.

Get Your Allergy Properly Diagnosed

You may have self-diagnosed your pet allergy based on the fact that you seem to be having an allergic reaction caused by your pet. However, understanding your allergy is an important part of managing the condition. With proper diagnosis, you could discover that you aren't actually allergic to your animal, but to another newly changed part of your environment.

Alternatively, you may discover that while you are allergic to your pet, you're also allergic to other variables in your environment, and it is a simultaneous exposure to your pet and these other variables that increases the severity of your reaction. By removing the other variables (mold or pollen, for example), you can make life with your pet more tolerable.

Work With Your Allergy Physician

Once you understand your condition, your allergy physician will be able to help you manage your allergies. In addition to prescribing powerful and effective allergy medications, there are multiple ways your physician can help.

  • Allergy shots. Allergy shots expose your body to your allergens in a way that is safe. Over time, this can help your body build a tolerance to that allergen, causing a reduction in your reaction to it. This won't completely stop your allergic reactions, but may reduce the severity and may make reactions less frequent.
  • Lifestyle advice. Allergy physicians provide lifestyle advice that help patients reduce the presence of the allergen in their homes and reduce their exposure to their allergens in every day life. For example, your physician may advise you to keep your pet out of your bedroom, so you'll have an allergen-free place to sleep at night. Your allergy physician may also tell you how often to clean your home and which tools to use so that you can eliminate as much of the allergen as you can from your residence.

Don't Get Rid of Your Pet Unless It's Absolutely Necessary

Some pet owners find out that they have an allergy to their pet and they give up too quickly. Unless your allergy is severe, there's a good chance that you and your pet can continue to live together in harmony. To find out more information about how you can keep your pet, talk to your allergy physician today. To find out more, speak with someone like Bouboulis Denis A.
