How To Reduce The Size Of Your Pores With Lemons And Egg Whites
If you suffer from large pores on your face and want to do something to get rid of them, you might want to try using fresh lemon juice and egg whites. This is a natural remedy that is very effective for this purpose, and it is easy to use and affordable. Here are several things you should know if you want to give this natural treatment option a try.
How do egg whites and lemon juice help?
Large pores are often the result of too much oil in the skin, so if you want to decrease the size of your pores, you will need to find a way to decrease the amount of oil your skin contains. Egg whites are a perfect ingredient for this, because they are capable of pulling oil out of the skin, which will cause the skin to become dryer. Egg whites also contain Vitamin A and collagen, and both of these are great for improving the looks of the skin.
Fresh lemon juice is also beneficial for shrinking pores, but it can also help your skin in a number of different ways. First of all, lemon juice thoroughly cleanses the skin. It is also capable of removing oil from the skin, and it can help even out the tone of your skin. Lemon juice is full of vitamins and minerals, which will help nourish your skin with the things it needs to be healthier.
How do you use this remedy to eliminate your large pores?
When you combine egg whites with fresh lemon juice and apply the mixture to your skin, you will see a noticeable difference. To do this, you will need to make a mask with these two ingredients. First, cut a lemon in half and squeeze the juice from one half into a small bowl. You can keep the other half to use later on. Next, mix in one or two egg whites. Beat with a fork until the mixture is frothy and then apply the mixture to your skin. After ten to twenty minutes, rinse your skin with cool water.
You can repeat this daily if desired, and you should slowly notice a decrease in the size of your pores. In addition, your skin may feel softer and smoother, and it may look more even in tone.
To learn more about the benefits of natural ingredients like this, contact a dermatologist of skin care professional in your area. Contact a business, such as the Southwest Dermatology Institute, for more information.