Tips To Prepare For Your Bariatric Surgery
If you're considering bariatric surgery so you can improve your health and your appearance by losing weight, then you may need to go through weeks or months of preparation. You'll need to make drastic lifestyle changes after your surgery, and starting before you have bariatric surgery helps you adapt more easily later. Here are some tips for getting ready to have bariatric surgery.
You May Need Counseling And Classes First
Your insurance company may require that you attend counseling and classes before they approve you for bariatric surgery. The purpose of this is to increase the odds of your surgery being successful and to show the insurance company you'll put forth the necessary effort.
You might need psychological counseling to help you deal with an eating disorder or past trauma that makes you overeat. You might need nutrition and fitness classes too.
You'll Probably Need To Change Your Diet
Your doctor may instruct you to follow a special diet, especially as your surgery date draws near. You might be on a liquid diet before your surgery so you can lose weight to make the operation easier to do and to reduce the risk of complications. Before the liquid diet, your doctor may have you on a reduced-calorie diet and they might restrict things you can eat and drink, such as caffeinated beverages.
You Should Prepare Your Home For Recovery
You'll have to follow a special diet after your surgery, so it's a good idea to remove food that's not allowed from your home so you can avoid temptations. Stock up on soft foods, lean protein, and soft fruits. Avoid alcohol, sugar, and fat. Your doctor or nutritionist will provide you with a diet plan and a list of foods you can eat and food you should avoid.
You may need to modify your home so your recovery is easier and so you have a place to work out at home until you feel like going to a gym. After your surgery, you'll need to drastically change your diet and move around more so you can avoid complications from your surgery. By having your home set up and stocked before your surgery, you can come home and have an easier time complying with your recovery guidelines.
Bariatric surgery is usually not something your doctor rushes into. They want to make sure you understand the procedure you'll have and that you know the changes you need to make to be successful. You'll have plenty of opportunities to talk to your doctor and your support staff so you can have all your questions answered before the day of your surgery arrives.