3 Tips To Help You Recover After Vision Correction Surgery
Vision correction surgery is an outstanding procedure that can help lessen or eliminate your need for corrective lenses. However, one of the big concerns that many people have is the recovery process, and they worry that the process is painful or lengthy. With the use of eye drops, minor painkillers, and eye protection, you can ensure that your recovery process will be as pain-free and speedy as possible.
Eye Drops
While your doctor will provide you with all manner of eye drops to help reduce the odds of swelling, irritation, and infection, there is still a chance that you will feel your eyes getting quite dry throughout the first few days after the surgery. This is dangerous because the dry eyes can tempt you to rub your eyes, which is something that you need to avoid throughout the recovery process.
Purchasing over the counter eye drops will not only help you fight the need to rub your eyes, they will also help alleviate any discomfort you may feel. You may even need to keep the eye drops around even after you have recovered from the surgery, mostly because many people can experience decreased tear production and increased instances of dry eyes after vision correction surgery.
Minor Painkillers
In most cases, you are really only going to experience minor pain and discomfort over the course of the first few days after the surgery. Over the counter painkillers and anti-inflammatory pills, such as ibuprofen, can alleviate that pain. Many eye doctors will recommend that you have these types of pills on hand to help you through the first few days, but you should still check with your eye doctor before you take them.
In addition, do not be afraid to contact your eye doctor if the pain seems to be getting a bit too intense. Your ophthalmologist may be willing to prescribe you more powerful pain medication if he or she deems it necessary.
Eye Protection
Finally, you can ensure a speedy recovery from your surgery if you make sure to protect your eyes from any accidental rubbing. Since a corneal flap is created during the surgery, you must be careful to avoid moving or dislodging that flap. As a result, your doctor will provide you with eye shields that need to be worn over your eyes while sleeping.
These shields will stop you from rubbing your eyes in your sleep, or rubbing your eyes across a pillow or blanket if you shift a lot in your sleep. The shields will also protect you from rubbing your eyes when you are still groggy or sleepy when you first wake up and may not remember to avoid rubbing your eyes.
Speak to your eye doctor today about other ways to ensure a speedy recovery from your vision correction surgery. Over the counter pain medication, eye drops, and an eye shield can help you avoid unnecessary pain and recover as quickly as possible.