Hip fractures are common among the elderly, and each year, at least 250,000 people aged 65 and older are hospitalized for hip fractures. Because your parent is elderly, it could possibly happen to them. Below is some information about the causes of hip fractures, how it is treated, and the recovery process.
Causes of Hip Fractures
There are many things that can put your parent at risk of having a hip fracture including:
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Vaginal yeast infections are a common occurrence. In fact, studies show that about 75% of all women will have at least one vaginal yeast infection in their lifetime, and 45% will have more than one. Unfortunately, there's nothing that can be done to prevent yeast infections. However, there are some things that can be done to lower your chances of developing one. Here are four simple steps you can take to reduce your chances of developing a vaginal yeast infection.
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Losing weight is a goal many have, but it is not something that can typically happen without lifestyle changes and hard work. Changing your diet is vital if you want to shed some pounds, and exercising is also necessary, but you might be able to experience better results if you combine these activities with acupuncture. Acupuncture is a natural and safe technique you can use to help you lose weight, and here are several things to know about this.
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When you're undergoing lung cancer treatments, especially chemotherapy, you may not feel much like eating at all. It can be easy to stick with grabbing comfort food or junk food that doesn't take much trouble to prepare. But the truth is that what you eat can actually affect your immune system and overall health, and choosing the right foods can help ensure that your treatment has the greatest possible effect on your cancer.
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Foot ulcers are a major problem for diabetics. About 15% of people with diabetes will get a foot ulcer at some point during their lives, and as many as 20% of those people will need to have the affected foot amputated. Proper treatment, including treatment with orthotics, can help diabetic foot ulcers heal. Here are three things diabetics need to know about orthotic treatment for foot ulcers.
What does orthotic treatment involve?
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