Tips for Handling Urges to Drink

If you are someone who is recovering from an addiction to alcohol, you might find that one of the hardest things that you have to deal with is resisting the urge to drink. You might feel angry or upset and immediately feel like you need to deal with it by drinking. This can make relapse very easy and recovery very difficult. Here are some tips for helping yourself overcome the urge to drink in the moment so that you can continue your path to recovery. Read More 

Prepare For Victory: Face Super Lice Head On With Your Own Super Lice-Fighting Kit

When kids get lice, many parents panic, feel ashamed, or can't shake a feeling of being "dirty." Once they learn about super lice, the relentless outbreaks of head lice all over the U.S. and all of the new treatments available, no parent should feel alone, ashamed, or outgunned. If lice haven't hit your home, or they have in the past but not this year (yet), plan ahead and create a head lice survival kit. Read More 

2 Ways You Can Help Prevent Prostrate Cancer And Treatment Options If You Get It

According to the American Cancer Society, one in seven men will develop prostate cancer during their lifetime. There are also 26,120 deaths from this type of cancer each year. You should be checked for prostate cancer by your doctor regularly. Your doctor will decide at what age this should be started and how often this is. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to help lower your chances of developing prostate cancer. Read More 

How Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Affects More than Just Your Wrists & How a Doctor Can Help

Carpal tunnel syndrome, a disorder which was previously only associated with secretaries and machine gun handlers, has been identified with more careers than previously thought. Anyone with repetitive motion careers or jobs that require holding onto vibrating machinery (like a jackhammer) are susceptible as well. The disorder causes intense pain in the wrists when the carpal tunnel compresses on the median nerve, which runs from your neck to the wrists and hands. Read More 

Your Guide To Dealing With Piriformis Syndrome

If you are a runner, you may have heard (or even experienced) piriformis syndrome. Symptoms of piriformis include pain, tingling, or even numbness in the gluteus maximum, the rear end. This area is so affected because of its role in rotating the hips as you run. This guide will help you deal with piriformis syndrome and get hopefully get back to running as soon as possible. Symptoms of Piriformis Syndrome Read More