4 Uncomfortable Signs of a Kidney Infection

Eating well, exercising, and visiting your doctor for routine physical exams are all important steps for your health and wellness. However, certain issues may arise even when following your doctor's recommendations. Kidney infections are not initially life threatening, but they can cause severe and deadly damage to your kidneys if left untreated. Learning the signs of this uncomfortable infection is essential to receiving efficient and effective treatment using antibiotics. If you are experiencing one or more of the following signs, you are most likely suffering from a kidney infection. Read More 

3 Vital Reasons To Take Your Child To The Pediatrician For Well Visits

Well visits are a normal part of a child's life, and parents are responsible for taking their children to the pediatrician for these important visits. Well visits are designed for multiple purposes, but there are three main things that will take place during these visits. Vaccinations Within the first couple years of life, a child will need many vaccinations. Vaccinations are required by law, and they are good for kids, because they protect them from many different types of illnesses and diseases. Read More 

Spinal Compression Fractures: That Back Pain Is Not Arthritis

If you have osteoporosis and have been suffering with back pain, do not just assume it is arthritis. This is especially true if you notice that the pain is worse when standing that it is when you lie down, you have trouble bending, or your spine is starting to curve so you seem to be hunched over all the time. The only way to be sure of what is going on is by seeing your primary care physician and taking a few tests, however, these symptoms could be telling you that you have a spinal compression fracture. Read More 

4 Tips For Dealing With TMJ

If you have ever experience intense pain in your jaw or sudden, painful cracking in your mouth, you may be dealing with a common issue known as TMJ. Temporomandibular Joint Disorder is an issue that your dentist is familiar with. This guide will help you determine whether or not you have TMJ as well as how to deal with it. 1. Symptoms of TMJ differ for each person. Of course, the symptoms of TMJ will differ for each person, so the symptoms you have may be a bit different from somebody else's. Read More 

3 Ways To Protect Your Eye Health This Winter

Winter can be an especially challenging time for your eyes. The dryness inside of your home and work space can irritate your eyes, and the cold and harsh winds outside combined with the bright sun can also hurt your eyes. Here are three ways that you can protect your eye health during the winter. #1 Protect Your Eyes From The Sun One of the most important thing that you can do during the winter is protect your eyes. Read More